I kill-ill You / 2015
In her latest work I kill-ill You, Düsseldorf choreographer Karen Boesser examines displacement and self-delusion as a social phenomena. During this
performance, Karen propels performers and spectators on a tour of illusion and manipulation, in which she confronts them with various explanatory models and
patterns of perception. The audience is challenged to use all their senses to experience the constructs designed by the human psyche to grasp the world around
them and how boundaries blur between factual action and mystifications as well as blurring the boundaries between performers and audience.
I kill-ill You reflects the inner processes that are often elusive even for those who are affected. The audience comes in contact with their different perceptions and
patterns of explanation and rationalization.
Artistic Direction / Choreographie / Performance: Karen Boesser
Dance / Performance: Karen Boesser, Kyungwoo Kwon, Elisa Osborne (Guest Artist)
Sound Collage: Ansgar Tappert
Stagedesign and Video editing: Dirk Dietrich Hennig
Dramaturgy: Lise Brenner
Production Assistance: Kathrin Spaniol
Video Documentation: Beatrix Szörenyi
Funded by:
- Cultural Department of the City of Düsseldorf
- Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sports NRW
- Foundation van Meeteren
Press review:
Renée Wieder / Rheinische Post
"A man and a woman dancing a duet across the room, but they seem to look each other in vain. In slow motion emphasize Bösser Karen and her partner Kyung-
woo Kwon past each other or stare into space, the body devoured as if by chance. In her performance "I kill-ill You" FFT explores the Düsseldorf choreographer
Bösser emotional short-circuits between people - the unbridgeable difference between perception and self-perception. A fluent well done / throughly
choreographted, abstract sequence of actual states, supported by an atmospheric soundscape of everyday noises.Only inches away from the audience turn both
dancers their inside out."
Photos: Copyright by Dirk Dietrich Hennig / 2015